Tuesday 8 May 2012

"Soda" licious

Senior Foods students have been studying food additives, and made soda using ingredients found in most kitchens.  We made:  Chai Tea Fizz, Cream Soda, Lemon Tea, Lime Seltzer, Pomegranate Fizz, and a Sports Drink.

Here are some pictures from our taste testing.....

Our tasting cups

Real cream soda (2nd from the left) IS NOT PINK!

Our taste test results


Tuesday 1 May 2012

Wacky Wrappers - Staple Foods

The Foods 11/12 classes have been studying staple foods, starting with wheat.  Developing an appreciation of where our food comes from, and the issues farmers face when growing our food, has been the focus.  The fun part....making ravioli and wontons!

Making Ravioli

From this......

to this....the "Pasta Masta"

to this...the other "Pasta Masta"...

almost done

Ravioli with Garlic Infused Olive Oil sauce!

Making Wontons

Wonton Soup
In honour of wheat farmers in China who face supply and demand issues (not enough supply), loss of resources like land and water due to rapid urbanization, shortage of labour because people now want to work in the city, and unpredicable weather.